Morocco is the last country we visited before getting on the ship one final time. This is the last installment of my Morocco posts, isn’t that sad? I’ve been home for two months, but I can still hardly grasp that…
Travel Diary: Morocco Part II
Annnnnndddddd we’re back for Morocco Part II (I told you I’d get here)! If you missed it, HERE is Part I where we go to the Blue City! I’m not going to lie though, I got halfway through and realized…
The Truth About Semester at Sea
Let me tell you the truth about Semester at Sea; it is about time someone clears the air anyway. I know you’ve heard it, the whole study abroad schpeil. You know, the one where people talk all about how much…
Travel Diary: Morocco Part I
It’s here, the last port. To say this is bittersweet, might just be the BIGGEST UNDERSTATEMENT EVER. I cannot believe it’s all over, a literal trip of a lifetime. I prepared for SO long and now I’m capping off my…
Travel Diary: Ghana Part II
If you didn’t see my Ghana post I, click HERE. In that I explain why Ghana was a little harder for me than other countries and why I decided to travel the way I did. Other than that, here is…
Travel Diary: Ghana Part I
Alright, so here’s the deal with Ghana. It has some of the hottest weather I’ve ever been in (bet you’re shocked to hear that), the nicest people I’ve ever met, and some of the most beautiful landscape I’ve ever seen….